Monday, July 19, 2010

How do you get a new student TAP card each month? (Los Angeles)?

Eh, well recently I applied for a student TAP card. I;m new to this, and I;m confused. The card says that it expires at the end of this month, so I;m wondering how I get a card for the next month? I;m assuming that I get a new one in the mail, but that seems pretty unreliable since the mail is REALLY slow, and doubt that it would come in time before the beginning of the next month. How does that work? Oh, and my friend says to just get a student bus pass and pay for the monthly stickers. I heard that they were going to eliminate that system, so I applied for the TAP card. Is that still around? Should I just do that instead?|||K-12 Student TAP CardStudent TAP card applications are now available. Once the TAP application is completed and submitted, a student can expect to receive a TAP card in 6-8 weeks. This new TAP card will then replace the student;s existing paper fare card. Monthly stamps for fare cards will only be sold through December, so students should make sure to apply early for just buy the stamp for the next month

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