Monday, September 5, 2011

Canon Digital Rebel XT vs Nikon D70s

Digital Rebel XT:
Nikon D70S:
I have had the Rebel XT for a year now and it has been one of the best purchases that I have made in my life. I have taken over 25K stills and the quality is amazing. For those of you trying to decide b/w the Nikon D70s and the XT, here's a little help...
I had actually been torn b/w buying the Nikon D70s and the Rebel XT for quite a while. I read online reviews and virtually found that Canon lovers loved the XT and Nikon lovers loved the D70s - obviously. Being that I have never owned either, I didn't care... I gepared specs and found little differences, but where one was 'better' in a certain area, the other balanced it out by being 'better' in another area. For example, the D70sis 6.1mp and theRebel is 8.0mp. I had been told that the Nikon came with the better lens and thus was still the better camera, even at6.1mp. I started leaning toward the NIKON D70s, but still was unsure. So, I read on and on and on and said FORGET IT! I'm going toBESTBU* and trying them out for Myself!
So, I went to BestBu* and took stills with both cameras using the same settings. I took stills of the far corner of the building, up in the corner where there are boxes stored and wires and lots of little details that are VERY difficult for a camera to pick out, especially in such low lighting like a retail store. Being that I take most of my pictures indoors, this ability was most important to me. SO, after taking many different stills, side by side, on geparible settings - the Bestbu* worker actually let me print out the stills on their photo printer (not the greatest printer, but good enough for what we were doing). I used 5 sets of geparison shots - using full auto different manual settings...
AND I saw for myself - Truly 5/5 of the sets - the Canon Rebel XT was better by FAR. I am not biased, mind you. The XT was able to pick out differences in little shadows and the edges of boxes and wires were much, much crisper and clearer. The Nikon's pics were quite a bit 'yellow' on full auto, whereas the XT was clear and whiter on full auto. * I took the photos home and had my fam gepare also without knowing which photos were taken with which camera, and they said the exact same thing 5/5 - Rebel XT won hands down. So this made my decision process much easier. I bought the Canon and have been MORE than satisfied with the purchase. I can't tell you how glad I am the I went and gepared the two.
SO if you are trying to decide - either take my advise or even go to Bestbu* yourself and gepare cameras side by side and see the difference. They have many other cameras that you may be interested in also. You'll be glad you did - and then you can gee back to okay and get a great deal on a new Rebel. Good luck. God bless

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