Sunday, September 11, 2011

10 Ways to Get the Most out of Your Workouts

10 Ways to Make Sure you Get the Most out of Your Workouts
1. Workout in the A.M. Morning workouts not only help you get your workout out of the way, but help get you energized for the upgeing day. Plus, you're guaranteed not to put it off.
2. Do what I do, and plan your workouts for the entire week on Sunday. Then keep your workout plans somewhere you'll always notice them (The fridge, your nightstand, hanging from the key rack, etc...) Youll be less likely to miss a workout if it's in your face all the time.
3. If you want to get the most done in the least amount of time, work on the 4 major muscle groups (Chest, Back, Legs, Core). Working these muscles will burn more calories in a shorter period of time. Do 3-5 circuits of Bench Press, Lunges, Pull-Ups/Pull-Downs, Squats, and Crunches.
4. Intensity, not time spent working out produces the best results. A 20-minute workout can be just as effective as a 45-minute workout if you push the pace.
5. Mini-Circuit workouts work wonders. I've produced the most success with trainees by using high-intensity, high-rep mini-circuits. Pick 4-8 exercises and geplete an entire circuit with very little rest, rest for 2-3 minutes and repeat. Mini-Circuits work very well because they build muscle and train the heart.
6. Always push yourself to be better next time you workout. Whether it is one more rep, or 2 1/2 more pounds, or 5 more minutes on the bike. The harder you push yourself, the easier your workouts begee.
7. Find a Fitness Buddy that you're not too close with. A friend of a friend or an acquaintance from work who you share a gemon fitness goal with. It's a lot harder to cancel a workout with somebody you're not gepletely gefortable with.
8. Set up Fitness Nights with Friends or Significant others. Spend your time walking or playing a sport. You'll burn calories and keep up with all your gossip at the same time.
9. Find ways to add a little more exercise time into every day. Aim for 4-5 hours of extra activity every week. Examples of this include taking the stairs everyday, parking further from your destination, standing while talking on the phone, and taking your dog all the way across the lawn to go to the bathroom.
10. If you need that little extra bit of motivation, offer yourself a prize, i.e. A new CD, a special treat, or even a day off. Anything that will get you up, going, and out the door.
I hope you've enjoyed this guide. Contact me with any question, gements, or ideas.
Thank you,
Randall, of Randalls-eBooks
P.S. This is the type of article you will find in my Monthly Fitness Newsletter. Check out my okay Store to find out more.

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