This is a list of all the okay members who have not paid their auctions and who have behaved poorly.These members are non-paying members who bid on items and do not payIt is a joke okay does not refund fees on non-payment for Dutch bids which is unfair.All
fees associated with non-payment should be refunded and I should be
able to voice my opinion and concerns to this but ofcourse okay doesn't
allow that.The fact is these members wasted my time cost me money and okay does nothing.If they respond to an unpaid claim even with clicking that they agree to pay and never do they are able to leave feedback.Which
furthermore means I can not leave them the justified negative feedback
because they can retaliate even though they never paid.This is a joke okay policy on this needs to be corrected.Users also have left negative feedback and used extortion methods saying they want money to remove the feedback.-okay
does nothing again and wants proof with the email - This is absurd they
used okay to contact me you have the record in okay itself.Then when presented with the proof of extortion nothing is done even though it is stated in the policy.You
can pay SquareTrade $29.99 and they will remove the feedback because
okay listens to them, what kind of sense does that make.So I
find it perfectly acceptable to state to all the other okay sellers
that these members are problems and to beware of them, this is fair and
not unreasonable like your policies on the matters, what is furthermore
unfair you block the list from being viewed, I'd like to know under
what grounds.1702catherineg, 3168judge69, 36is4daboss, 5317holland, 5kkids, 63roadrebel, 8642danny, 9990angus, aaron7911, abcpsotsettings, abnvulcan, adam_carrion, addictinghobby, ajtenchy, akimk7412, aldinisales, allen6372, andrewrazor, angia2, asianboy4life, auto_tune_and_design, axlrosehunny, baby123123baby123123, badgerlord13, beertank69, bermudezjacob, bigbadbernie, bigggbigcat, bignardz, bignormz, bigskatepimpin, bobbys-garage, braydenborger, briane609, brianj8067, browncal, buynsellloads, buzman71, c1555, caterin21_32, chaznj, chenger187, chicagotwo, chivica1, chris41984, chrt334, cirnex, copcarjack, coreybellamy, cow-bum, create-69, cromekinck, dag614, danielf719, darcy_sauve1969, darkman616, darkwolf135, dasl10, dazzabhoy69, denisha2940, devil_lord1, devinmcfaddenazn, devonchong, djoe89, dkizzle91, dr_villet, dsblocky, dtapia13, dtrues878, duanezealot, dudemanbro1, egiannaris, ej_ramirez, ellisonmike, elvers_josh, emmkramer, entertheyeti-matrix, erodicaxo, ettyquetty, famousbuzz, favboys123, fiend1976, firecaptainrooster, fluffy_frank, flyingjerky, frosty63, frozenflame14, galixcy68, gamewars, gazoby06, geno407, ginabonperez, glassofwater2005, gobbleman, griever987, gshaw33470, gundam242, guzzijen, harley322!, harleydavidsonchic, harshfeet, hdhipp, heaneys92, hell313, hiranimo, hodge6763, hollywood150982, horrornut06, hot_gymnast, hyuri428, idacarlucci55, impulsemedical, irishtiger55555, ironpatriot86, itfben, itsmyfault33, iwaluth2005, jacobahearn, janice72652, jayce_javon86, jdub66hr99, jensenj619, jf578573, jimmyw4932, jmoney1212, joeisbronot89, johnny819hc, johntimd, joney200, josh1295, joudrey2007, jr_sniffa, jsb3ace, jsb7693, justastupidbuyer, kbear11ac, kcnygallen, keatons2007, keebo427, kevinvn808, keyknifeking, kgramz607, kimw199, kingrich718, kirk_woodill, kirkfag1, kja5jea5, kmarchuk35, kndwall, knowles1991, kontrol313, kreutzified, kronic0220, ktylerjenaya, kyle88, labmom2060, lawyergavin, le_vinson, leianncopper, lileric07, lilhotshot09, live2fight_fight2live, lnlbutler, m0nkeyz57, maddawg421, mark00000000001, marsteller83, masczone, massana_and, masterpaintball69, matt9712, mattiepoo4u, mellovox, mgraham420, mick_809, mieso13, miguelangel1090, mikegt4873, miklot, mizarkmcdonald, mjmurph420, moneysteved, morinfern, motocrossnick, msteve123, mtfdexplorersta5, musicrose391, n.s.sherlock, nadan777, nflpanthersfan, ninpo6148, niqqerman1, novich06, obnoxshsone, oopsjonnyjonny, pandwcat, pazabam21, phillyblunt13, pitmajh, polly_want_a_cracker, president2510, radlicka123, raymont2105, rballa23, rcmaniac0306, reddanno265, redelephant44, redneck1369, redspitfire, reven479, rhe5er, rhymer89, rigidstp, rkwrestle13, robertsonty, rockchalk2204, roigorjgogjorjto, rudyceasor, sabbath780, sawbeast, scar_predator, scmedww, sephiroth198069, shapiro7117, shauns86, shepbreeder, shoresaaron, shrapnel666, siemsen0042, skinut48, slash_dylan, slmmaster, smokeweedeveryday420, soconnor93, spammer*slammer, speed_demon_702, ssj4goku1988, stevedorey, steven69000, stoogsybroon, t0taleclipse, tallandy92, taniisha123, tankbuster123, tatp1961, tedd1150, texas_skeeter, texasforeplay, the-phoenix-image, thecutekid7, theeder52657, timisawesome, trap6599, trashmaster21, travisblaserlove, travisslarsen, treasurehunters58, tremayne2007, trunkmonkey76, tuneman, tyshukry, uasksales, udtabn, ula77t, undeadempire, victimzeroband, videogameaddict123, vivki4g64, vmfa-224, wad0687, wall5830, wheeledwarrior471, whereswaldo165, whoever_you_are, whyetn, wisetiger111, wmbrown3, wolfe1234joshua, wyofire12, xfairjudgementx, yamaha_fan65, zimmerman2750, zombiehell, zomby47
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