Friday, September 9, 2011

How to snipe s auctions. Win by sniping. Fair play?

The first thing that gees to mind when talking about sniping is whether it is considered fair and honest. There are always many ways to view things, but we will say that it does not even remotely bother us if a buyer uses sniping software to win one of our auctions.
It is just another tool at your disposal. Also, when a person snipes an auction they have entered a maximum bid amount, just as you have the option to do when placing your bid the traditional way through okay during an auction.
It is understandable that a person who waits until the last seconds of an auction to bid might be distressed when they discover they where outbid during one of those last secondsby someone who was obviously using sniping software, but remember they won not because of the sniping software, but because they placed a higher maximum bid than you.
Also, waiting until the last seconds of an auction to bid is actually just manual sniping without using the additional sniping software. Manual snipers have many techniques also, such as opening multiple browser windows, with some windows used to bid, and another browser window being continually refreshed to keep an eye on the current price while waiting for the attack.
Also, notice that a huge percentage of okay users wait until near the auction end to place their bids in hopes of not driving the price up, so realistically, many may prefer to manually bid their best price as the auction progresses, and it does seem more gentlemen like, but this will not change the fact that many others will wait until the last seconds of an auction, in hope of saving a dollar,by placing the winning bid at the lowest amount, at the last possible second.
Really sniping is justentering a maximum price youare willing to pay for an item in the sniping software while lettingthe softwaretake it over from there. The difference being that it (the sniping software) will not battle with the highest bidders until the last seconds of the auction. This way if you are busy at the time the seller chose to close the auction, your bid will still go in.
In these last seconds of the auction a person isonly going to have the time to bid once, and though one could just do a single high bid, that would not be a thrifty way to try for the win. Instead a single bid, with a high as one is willing to pay, maximum bid attached to it will only win by one bid increment over the last highest maximumbid. Same as with the sniping software.
Last time we checked the bid increments were:

$0.01 - 0.99 $0.05

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