Monday, July 19, 2010


please try to answer as many as possable...1) will it be cold on the plane?2) what should i bring to keep me entertained? (its a 9 hour flight)3) what cant i bring?4) can you switch seats with a random person?5) is the food good?6)is it dark on the plane at nite?7) LAST QUESTION -----> what do you see out the window when your like 10,00 feet in the air?|||1) Yes. It can sometimes get a little cold on the plane. I suggest bringing a sweatshirt or hoodie to keep you warm. 2) - Puzzles- Books- Magazines- iPod- Travel games- A notebook and pens/pencils (you can draw or write your experience on the plane as you go through it)- Handheld electronic games- Sleep3)…4) If the other person is okay with it, you are allowed to switch seats.5) It kind of depends on the meal you get and your taste buds. Some people think the food is horrible; while others think it is quite tasty. It also depends on what airline you are going on.6) It;s not completely dark. But yes, it is dark. If you prefer not to have your seat dark, just turn on the light above your seat. That way, you don;t disturb the other passengers.7) You can;t see the intricate details of the plane, but you can see the basics of the place. Most likely, you will only be able to see the clouds.Enjoy your trip!|||1) Sometimes it could be cold because of the AC. You can of course bring a jacket, just in case it is cold.2) You could bring a MP3 player, a book, or even cards if you are coming with someone else to play.3) I don;t exactly understand what you mean. Sorry.4) You can if the other person agrees, but it;s always better if you just sit where you;re supposed to.5) That depends. In a trip to Brazil, they served some chicken. But it was very elegant, and of course, so delicious. But that was around 8 years ago. He he... So I don;t know about now.6) No, because the airplanes are equipped with lights. But, if your flight is, for example from, 8 PM to 5 AM, most likely, since humans sleep in those hours, they will turn of the main lights so that people in the plane can sleep. But, if you need to read something, there is an individual light for each seat.7) Well, when you;re going up, you can see all the city, and it;s actually very nice. And then in the middle of the flight, you just see clouds. I personally like when it;s descending, you can see the city very clearly once it goes lower to land.Hope I made myself clear and understandable. Enjoy your flight.

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